30 September 2009

Life is Sweet...

I think they were asking one another if they had anything in their teeth.

The girls enjoy a cupcake at the horse show we had at Mom and Dad's on 9-20.

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She's On A Roll

Adalyn is 4 months old ALREADY! She started rolling over 4 days ago and has already began rolling several times in a row to get to where she wants to go. I wonder if she knows where she wants to go or if she is just happy to be moving and content in the spot she ends up at. Either way she is on a roll. She has been trying to sit up since she was a month and a half old. she is getting higher but of course her abdomen muscles are still not able to get her up like she wants. She is also scooting forward when she is on her tummy. She doesn't move real far, but she moves no less. I am really not ready for her to get this big yet. She is such a little sweetie and is constantly making everyone around her smile.

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Never a dull Moment...

Charleigh dressed up and came out singing....I asked her who she was and her answer was "Princess waitress." Then she insisted she tke my order, even though everything I ordered she was sold out of. She also insisted (as she always does when in a princess dress) that I call her princess. Everything must be "yes princess." and "princess would you......" if I forget and call her mam or Charleigh she quickly and sternly reminds me "I the Princess!" oh how stupid of me to call you by your name.

When she was done she told me she didn't want to be a princess anymore, just a cowgirl, "so please Momma only call me cowgirl."

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Adalyn is growing everyday! She has been smiling for a while now, and now she will even give up a laugh for you. All you have to do is look at her and maybe say her name and she will grin from ear to ear!

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