15 May 2010

Big Green Tractor

Charleigh was playing on the tractor while her daddy built fence and I ran in to get the camera. The sun was going down and it was pouring through the trees and hitting Charleigh's face making her eyes look like they were glowing. She looked like a painting.
I did not change the saturation levels on any of these pictures , some of them just turned out like that because to the sun.

Charleigh noticed that I was taking her picture. SHe was so sweet. What is it about little cowgirls in tiny Wranglers and cowgirl boots, covered in dirt helping thier dads that just melts your heart? It just brings smile to my face.
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A case of the the Crazies

Then she wanted to do some of "her" poses for the pictures.......

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Getting tired from playing all day in the sun.

Charleigh and her "big green tractor".

Look at how filthy she is. She looks so stinkin' cute!
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Adalyn is a busy little girl. She is walking like crazy. She is drinking whole milk from a sippy cup and has refused to eat any baby food 2 months ago. She is NOT PICKY like her big sister. She will eat just about anything. In the first picture she is eating blueberry muffins and blackberries. SHe really loves blackberries. She is gabbering like she knows what she is saying. Her favorite word is still Momma but she also says Uh-oh, Thank you, Dada, and Bye bye. She is such a little sweetie. She brings us so much happiness.

Watching Charleigh play soccer. She liked watching all of the kids run around.
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Charleigh was pushing Adalyn all over in this little car. They both were having so much fun. Charleigh is showing the screenings she filled the trunk with, she wanted me to get a picture of it.

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11 May 2010

Mothers Day

Ben and the girls went to Mississippi for 4 days over Mother's Day weekend, so I was without them on Mother's day.( the reason for the next post.Thanks Ben.) I had to stay home to ride our training horses and work. I woke up and rode all of my horses and then mowed the grass. I kept myself busy so I wouldn't miss them as much. Then I met up with my family for brunch and we went on a trial ride, it was nice but I was really missing Ben and the girls. And I am not for sure if I was more emotional because I was missing them or maybe I have just become more emotional with age but I was so sad Sunday evening. I couldn't help but think that in 7 months Charleigh will be 5!!! It brought me to sobs. Uh-huh, it will be a hard one. No more shopping in the toddler section, she will be starting kindergarten and I will not have everyday to spend with her. It is devastating! Ada will be a year old in 8 days and I don't think I can handle it. Ada is walking like crazy. She started walking at 10 months and is pretty much at a run now. She is getting so big and gabbers all of the time. her favorite word is still "Momma" and she even calls Ben Momma, which cracks a lot of people up. Charleigh was singing Taylor Swift last week and for some reason that just made her seem more grown-up to me. Being a mother is the greatest gift life can ever give you and I am enjoying it more than anything I have ever done. It is like a vacation that you do not want to come home from, that you do not want to end. I just wish my girls could stay little a bit longer.

09 May 2010

Happy Mothers Day

I just wanted to say Happy Mothers Day to the best mother and wife in the world.

Happy Mothers Adrienne!!!!!