Charleigh is getting so big, everyone that sees her always has something to say about her "being very healthy" or how pretty her eyes are. She is almost five months old now and is 13 pounds. She defiantly is getting her own little personality. She can go from giggling and grinning to bawling in a split second. It is so funny to watch. She sticks out her little bottom lip and then just turns it on. She also loves to shop! Anytime we go out she is a perfect little angel, she laughs and smiles at everyone. Everyone comes up to us and talks to Charleigh and she will just laugh at them and have the best time. She has ROLLED OVER!!!!! When she is on her tummy she will push off her hands and just flip. She pushes so hard that she usually hits her head but she doesn't get upset. She also moves in circles, I will put her on her mat and come back into the room and she will be half way under the couch just smiling. She has also went on her first horseback ride. She rides on Scooter which is my horse that I have had for 10 years. She fell asleep after about 3 minutes but enjoyed herself while she was awake. We are getting ready for vacation where we will ride a lot. Her looks have changed and she looks nothing like she did as a newborn. I think she really looks like Ben, but the hair color is still undecided. She has Neapolitan hair it is chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. It is red on the very bottom and dark brown in the back and it is coming in white blonde on the very top. I guess only time will tell. She will be pretty with any hair color.