24 July 2008

Out on the trail

Charleigh, me and Reno.

Rick enjoying his ride.

Mom and Kyren crossing the river.

Charity not paying attention.
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Potty time.........

This is the outhouse at the fox pens, Charleigh is holding her horse and goign potty like a big girl! Too many juice boxes for this girl.
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Back to Vacation....

There are so many pictures of vacation that I have to post them around all of the other photos of our summer.
We have been having such a fun and busy summer. We spend most of our time outside enjoying the outdoors. Charleigh wakes up and says she wants cereal and to go outside and ride her jumping horse. She must ride that thing 3 hours a day. She of course calls him Scooter bug, and she says she gets bucked off about every 3 minutes. She will yell "WHOA SCOOTER BUG! WHOA, WALK, WALK" She had to hear it somewhere I guess. She is so full of life and happiness. She makes everthing in our lives more fun.

I kept calling Ben "Daddy Daycare" because he had Charleigh and Clementine's raincoats, the backpack full of snacks and drinks and all things needed for a trailride with a 2 and 1 year old.
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Grandma and her Girls

Looks like Ben wanted to wipe Charleigh's nose, and Charleigh wanted none of it.
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Tiny and Pa-Pa

This sweet little girl loves horses just like Charleigh. There is not too much that upsets her, and I do mean VERY LITTLE, she is teeny-tiny and talks up a storm, the words I have heard her say most often is Coco (her puppy) and Pa-Pa. I thought these pictures were so cute.

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Cousin Charleigh.....

Charleigh calls Clementine "Tiny", it is much eaiser for her to say. She has been so sweet to her(KNOCK ON WOOD) she doesn't really know how to share her Pa-Pa and Grandma .

She likes to be roped, and to rope others(we walk into the rope when it is in her hand). Clementine went and helped CHarleigh pull on the rope a little bit.
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