11 November 2009

Pumpkin Patch 09

It was super muddy from all of the rain we had been having, Charleigh's feet got stuck over the top of her cute maryjanes, and it was a little cool but other than that it was a good trip.

Charleigh was going through the maze with Aunt Charity and Uncle Rick when she pretended to cry and say she couldn't make it through. Charitylaughed and asked her why, which Charleigh answered beacuse her Scooter-Bug died having a baby. Charity told her Scooter was a boy and couldn't have babies. Charleigh kept on and said that he changed into a girl and now he could.
How her little mind came up with all of this in the middle of going through a maze on a Sunny afternoon I will never know.

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Kyren asked if he could get this pumpkin. I told him I would buy it for him if he could carry it to the car. He rolled it pretty far and gave it an honest effort but ended up getting a pumpkin he could barely carry to the car.

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Grandma with Adalyn and July, the 2 youngest grandkids.

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To the top

Charity to told Kyren to throw his hands up like he was the king of the world.
Maybe he was to far up there to hear her.

This straw hill had a maze on the inside and the kids used the outside as a slide

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Adalyn with Grandma at the punmpkin patch.

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Eat, drink and be Scary!

Cheyenne (my cousin Tasha's little girl) eating her candy.


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Our whole group!

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More Halloween...

Charleigh was excited for Halloween, she would say "trick-or-treat, smell feet, gimmie' sumpin to eat." I kept trying to get her to say it right but she always came back to the same phrase.

The Law Dog, and his camera.

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Kyren was Teen Wolf and it was Awesome! His costume looked so real.

All the Clark grandkids!
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