14 August 2009

In Training...

Ben and I have been training horses this summer which requires us to be in the barn several hours a day.
Charleigh and Adalyn come out there with us. Charleigh takes that oppertunity to brush,feed, ride, lead, or lay on Scooter. Today we are giving him a bath! Adalyn will sit in her bouncy seat or sleep inside and we bring out the baby monitor. It has actually been easier than I thought caring for the girls while training.

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Adalyn is 3 months old and changing everyday. She is constantly smiling. She is sleeping less throughout the day but still sleeping great at night. She is such a little sweetie and brings us all so much joy.

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Pool Picnic

While Ben was working out in the hot sun Charleigh, Adalyn and I were hanging out by the pool. Charleigh and I went swimming early so it wouldn't be too hot for Adalyn. Then we had a picnic before heading inside for naps. Summer is the best.

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Both Charleigh and Clementine are really into birthdays right now, even if it isn't their own. They love to sing Happy Birthday and help blow out the candles. Everytime I tell her it is somebody's birthday she will say "but I help with the candles?" When July was born we told her it was his birthday, she was very disapointed that we didn't have candles. She has also recently asked if e would let her have another birthday. I guess she believes the saying "what can they do, take away my birthday?"
The first birthday is Mom's and then 2 weeks later Lacy and Me.

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Scuba Swimmers

Charleigh went to town with me and she had been so good so her Dad told her maybe I would stop and get her a slush at Sonic. But.... the sonic here went under and are no longer in business so I told her she could get a small candy from Walmart, instead she got some goggles. The rest of the afternoon Ben spent adjusting her goggles for her.......

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Charleigh put this on herself (as you can tell) she`had it a bit crooked and looked like Sloth from the Goonies.

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One afternoon after mom got home from work Charleigh wanted to go swimming, mom agreed. However, she didn't know what I knew. The water was freezing cold. Mom of course still went but tried to stay out of the water as much as possible. In the 3rd picture you can see that Charleigh was trying to flip herself and mom off into the water and my mom was fearing for her life!

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Charleigh is swimming so good. She loves to pretend she is a dolphin and have us throw balls and floaties in the pool and she fetches them. She always says "alwight Mom this a game." and then she bosses me around telling me what the game is.

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