02 July 2010

Horse, Horses, Horses....

Ben and Charleigh going for a ride this spring. Ben is on April, one of the horses we trained for someone and Charleigh is on Scooter (of course)

We decided to give Scooter a break since he was getting riden everyday sometimes twice a day so on this paticular day Charleigh rode Pete. He is such a big horse, 16 hands or close to it and he is a big old puppy dog.

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Mother Hen..

Clementine is always being Adalyn's little mommy, she is so sweet and gentle with her and is always right with her when she is around.

These pictures are a month old, but still cute. I am experiencing some technical difficulties with my pictures from vacation, I am unable to upload them onto my computer so after a long delay in the blog update you must settle for these pictures until I am able to get the others. We have been busier than ever this summer. With the new place to keep up with, and two busy girls and our own schedules we have had little time for anything modern. Charleigh has had 3 rodeos so far and isn't tiring of them yet. The parade is this weekend and we will have to ride in it. Charleigh wants to carry a big flag this year so she has been practicing. We will get back to you on if our nerves can handle it later.

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Memorial Weekend 2010

Ada and Dawn over Memorial Day weekend. Ada drinking all of Dawn's flavored water.

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Grandma and her youngest grandbabies!

Grand Gram and July and Grandma with Adalyn over memorial weekend.

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Charity and July on Memorial day weekend.

Ada and July playing on a blanket in the shade, it has been unseasonably hot so far this year, but we are loving it! Ada is so funny with July. Anytime someone is holding him she wants them to hold her. If July gets passed off, then Ada wants to go too. It is almost like she wants to be near him, it doesn't matter who is holding him, she wants to be held too.

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My sweet little Adalyn. One year old in these pictures. Weighing in at 22 lbs, and getting wilder as the days go by.

So much fun when they can all be together!

Ada askes the girls "Can I come in and play?" after all it is her toy.
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Bouncing around!

For Ada's birthday my Grandma got her this fun little bounce house. It can alsobe used as a fort when you turn it over. The girls just love it.

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First of Many school functions.

All of us at Charleigh's preschool program. Charlegih with er best dancer award.

Me with my little wild child. Heaven help me.

Charleigh wearing the tiara she got from her teachers.
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Coming into the church with her "banjo", her classmates emily and kevin are also in the picture.

This is right after she got her award, she was so proud. She was awarded BEST DANCER! She does have some sweet moves!

This says that she finished preschool.
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