28 October 2010

They had these air cannons to shoot pumpkins down with. There was a long line of people giving it a shot but Kyren was the only one we saw who hit one! He won a tee shirt.

It is rare that Adalyn agrees to hold someone's hand.

July had a scraped up nose from learning to walk. Poor little guy.

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Grand Grand with all of her Great Grandkids.

Mylittle sweeties. Charleigh is always wanting to love on Ada and Ada is always pushing her away or hitting her. Ada will give us kisses and when Charleigh asks for one she will turn her head. SHE IS THE ULTIMATE LITTLE STINK.

My Grandma and Ada at the pumpkin patch.
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Good Days!

Such a little sweetie and STINKER! I love goign into her room after she wakes up to find her smiling and laughing. She is so happy to see you.

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My Lil' Sweetie

Adalyn was just waking up from her nap on a beautiful, warm fall day. It was sooo nice out and she was in a fantastic mood I just had to get some pictures. She was all smiles and had her eyes on her sister.

This is what she does when she is saying "I don't know"

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