10 January 2009

Charleigh had to go potty and Clementine sat in there to keep her company and carry on a conversation with her.

Uncle Al got Charleigh a new horse to play with.

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more Christmas

Gossip Girls

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Rockin out with Ya-ya....

Charleigh puts the earphones in her ears....

Awwwww Yeah! Some sweet music.

Really gettin down

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Charleigh just about ripped Clementine's arms off trying to lift her onto the bed.

Later Charleigh told Tiny to lift her "up up" I had to intervene before Charleigh flipped Clementine over her head onto the concrete floor!

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Then she gave her some kisses......

and more kisses.....

These two girls have been learning how to play so well together, it is so cute to watch them interact. Clementine calls to talk to Charleigh almost every day.
Charleigh has imaginary conversations with Tiny (as Charleigh calls her). She also plays where she bosses Tiny around, then she bosses Charity, Rick andd Kyren. She will get so into it, she points her finger and waves her arm as she pretends to boss everyone around. Every time I try to capture her little Soap Opera on film she gets real shy and tells me to "stop that"

Isn't she so sweet?
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Charleigh is showing off a necklace she got from my Grandma.

My Aunt Pam telling Ben he should have never gotten me a camera, she was not real happy about me snapping her picture every 4 minutes.
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09 January 2009

My Aunt Lisa was up from Texas, they are only able to come up every two years. Christmas is always more fun when they are here.

Poor little Clementine was a little sickie on Christmas. She slept on Grandpa for hours.

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08 January 2009

Mom helping Kyren with his new skater gloves.

Disaster Area!

Ben and Dad putting together the one gift Charleigh asked for, A BARN! When she sat on Santa's lap she said "hi Santa, a barn." without pausing or taking a breath before he even asked her what she wanted.
On the way home that night she was talking about sitting on Santa's lap and she asked "where is my barn?" She thought that as soon as you sit on his lap and ask him for your present he gives it to you right then and there. It was like she was saying "where the hell is it? I asked him like you said and still I got NOTHING!
Every time anyone anywhere asked her what she wanted for Christmas she would always say "a barn."

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05 January 2009


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Elmo's Bed....

Who knew going to sleep could be soooooo much fun?

Look at how blurry her feet are, it is because they are moving like crazy with excitement!

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Mom decided to give Kyren a guarantee for a broken wrist for Christmas, and it looks like he is thrilled about it.

Not just Monopoly...... BEATLES Monopoly, the difference is about $40 and the names of the places.
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