17 July 2008

Bucking Buffalo

Ben looks like he might have a stroke from all of the excitement!
Uh-oh looks like he really is.......quick stop the ride. This boy cannot handle all of the fun.
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Dad's turn...

Being bull riders again!

Ben loves this ride! Look how thrilled he is.
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Riding the Merry-Go-Round....

Acting like the monkey she was riding.

Riding like a bull rider, with only one hand.
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The not so fun house.

Charleigh wanted to go into the fun house. At this fair they would not allow the parent to along with the kid unless you paid. We had bought Charleigh a bracelet so she could ride as much as she wanted and did not have any coupons for ourselves. At first she was fine(note the first picture) however, she got scared the second time when there were other kids on the thing that you walk on and it tilts back and forth and she couldn't balance very good. She froze up and caused a traffic jam, and eventually the carnie had to go in and get her. Maybe next time they will just let us walk through it with her.
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Grandpa's Girl...

Watching the greased pig scramble with Pa-Pa and Grandma.

Yelling for the kids, but saying "Go Pigs" At the wild cow milking a few nights eariler, Alan was on one of the teams and Charleigh would yell for him "Go Alan, Go Alan, Milk the Cow, Milk the cow........" She sings this song now all of the time when cheering someone on, even if she is yelling for her dad she sings "Go Alan, Go Alan........

Grandpa buying her a snowcone that was as big as her. She was wore out after spending the past 5 nights at the fair. We did just about everything there was to do.
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Driving Miss Crazy......

Saying "Yee-Haw" Again. and again and again.....
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One Eye on the Bullriding....

......the other on the rodeo clown. The first night of the bull riding went pretty well. She kept looking at the clown but he was far enough away that she wasn't too concerned. He even came right up to the fence and said hi to her and she even said hi back! The next night was a completely different story! CHARLEIGH WAS MISERABLE! Which means that I was also miserable. Ben set up our chairs right in line with the clown, (oh yes he did.) She was TERRIFIED! She wasn't able to think of anything else. She would pull my hand up over her eyes and then slowly pull it down and say "no, no, no" then she would try to climb out of her seat over my shoulder crying and screaming. It was like I was abusing her. We spent most of our time at the fair riding rides and walking around. We have not been back to a rodeo or bull riding yet, lets hope this does not last.

Taking off her hat yelling "Yee-haw."
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Charleigh did not last long watching the fireworks. We spent most of the time sitting in the truck.

This is where she is getting nervous and ready to go back into the truck.
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Trying again.

Here are the pictures that didn't load from the parade...

This is Charleigh blowing kisses back to Ya-Ya.
Waving like a Queen.
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