09 November 2006

Can't you just see how much she wants to be in this picture?

Charleigh telling Matty to "Lay one on me" Posted by Picasa


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"No autographs please"

Ben is also taking her picture. Posted by Picasa

Get along little doggies

Charleigh looks concerned, looks like she is getting ready to get bucked off the back of her pony
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Ready for her first christmas.

The temp. here reached the low seventies, but still a little windy so when she was swinging she wore a hat(mostly because she was getting over being sick)
Her elf hat signals that she is done with Halloween and ready to move onto Christmas.
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Learning to sidepass/

Charleigh is sidestepping p and down the couch. In these pictures she is getting over being a sicky.Her poor little nose is so dry it was bleeding. Which was caused from her repeated times of getting sick and it coming out of her nose. She also was dealing with all of the side effects that come along with teething and all of the bumps and bruises from moving quicker. All in all it was a rough couple of days for all of us. I knew she didn't feel good when she wouldn't eat anything. Oh yeah I am pretty sure I feel a bottom tooth!!!!!!!!

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05 November 2006

Taking a break and kicking back with a warm one.