05 September 2006

Adrienne and I were at a hardware store and found these hats, so decided to model them

Just about every morning when we wake up we have to play the piano.

Charleigh seems to be growing faster than a weed. It seems like just the other day that we brought her home and Adrienne and I were scared to death that we would not know what to do, but know it seems that we are professionals. It is amazing how fast she learns things, she sits up know with ease and she definitely knows what her food is and what to do with her spoon. She really seems to have a fascination with her pacifier, she will take it out of her mouth and look at it with such a serious look and then let a little squeal and wait to see if it will answer her back. We really wish that we were able to see everyone more often, we sould all get together soon, hopefully before it gets to cold, We miss all ya'all in MS, maybe we can bar-b-q down at the home place in MS. Her are some pictures that we downloaded off of Adrienne's phone.