04 June 2008

Clementine and the kitty cat....

She calls the cat and every dog she sees CoCo, because that is the name of her dog. Every once in a while she would say kitty.

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Aunt Ti-Ti

Charleigh calls Charity "Ti-Ti". I think she is actually saying Charity but it just sounds like Ti-Ti These two are always up to no good!

Charleigh always gets to play the drum and always makes the other person play the tambourine and then she sings soft and then really loud, soft then loud....

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03 June 2008

Grandma's 75th Birthday Suprise

Either Grandma was suprised or was good at faking it.

Charity wanting to pretend the party was for her. She asked me if I would yell Suprise for her and take her picture, then she asked to open hergift from me. "what is wrong with you?" keep it in the circus you freak!
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Kyren was so sweet to Charleigh he was askign her if she wanted a balloon. She had just arrived to the party and was being shy

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Grandma and her girls!
Charity was telling Clementine "No, My baby, too bad for you!" Sick Sick little lady.... just let her have her baby
Silly Ya-Ya makes everything fun!

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Family Time

This picture of Clementine cracks me up

Acting silly with Ya-Ya
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