Charleigh got a baby that she can feed a bottle to. She uses the "cram the bottle down the baby's throat with full force method" I never had to use this method on her, thankfully she was a little piggy.
This is the one and only time Charleigh has seen checkers being played so I was kinda suprised when Lacy told me that the other day when she watched her, Charleigh got out all of the checkers and put the red on the red squares and the black on the black squares and then pretended she was playing. It is amazing how quick they learn things.
The day after Christmas I went out shopping and Ben watched Charleigh. He was cleaning up broken glass so he had Charleigh stay in the kitchen. When he realized how quiet it was he looked over the counter to find her grazing on tortilla chips. I guess she was afraid that if he saw her eating them he might take them away so she ate them covert-op style: Laying on her tummy not using her hands!!! She is such a little stinker!