20 May 2008

I Hear you knockin'....

But you can't come in....
No comment needed.

Charleigh said "S.h.i.t." today.(Ben doesn't know yet) He is very good at not saying bad things around her, unless he is around his corupt friends....and when I do cuss ( which is very rare) he says "Adi-baby don't say that" so today I dropped her lunch on the floor and under my breath said it, Charleigh crouched down by me as I was cleaning it up and got in my face and said "Shit?" "Momma Shit." she said it in a whisper like I had said it, only she said it like a question. Like she was saying " Is that the word you are teaching me?" I am going down in flames........
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......but you can't come in! Charleigh and Ben having fun outside, and in the window looking in at all of us.

Have any of you gotten the email about "special people" It says something in it about they don't care if you lick windows they still like you and support you on national special person day. When I got it I thought" LICK WINDOWS?" Who in the heck licks windows? Never heard of it....Until now.

Grand Gram lets them in!!!
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It was the craziest thing..... it would snow and then the sun would come out and it would be half way nice out. It did this more than once. Ben's Dad said we needed pictures to show the crazy Missouri weather. What a great idea.

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Yes these pictures are still from Easter! I have been posting them little by little, there are so many and I have been so busy I haven't had time. Better late than never right?

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