28 April 2008


Nate (or Nay as Charleigh says) was getting Charleigh with one of her stuffed bears. She loved it!

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Kyren got a new bubble wand from the Easter Bunny, it was hours of fun for Kyren and Charleigh. Charleigh loved to try and catch the bubbles adn Kyren loved to make them.

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Charleigh tries to catch some of the bubbles.

Kyren is even scaring himself!
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Bubble Boy

The biggest bubbles ever!

Look at Kyren's face!

Kyren is telling Charleigh that one day she will be big enough to use the latest in bubble blowing technology.
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The Original Captin Destructo

Charity wants to give it a try....look out everyone

Kyren knows it is only a matter of time before she hurts herself or someone else.

Kyren tries to protect Charity.

It is no use, Charity is determined.....Hey Charity give the kids back thier toy.
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The EASTER Bunny

Eating Rabbit food...

Charleigh was a little bit afraid of Lacy when she had on the ears and nose.

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This picture is pretty good, just imagine that Clementine isn't looking at the cat, that Charleigh doesn't have a death grip on the cat and that the plant in the background isn't from the Nightmare before Christmas.

Again, pretend that Charleigh isn't sucking the life out of the cat and that her eyes aren't closed. At least all three of them are sorta looking at the camera.

This is pretty much what all of the rest of the pictures looked like. Kyren would be looking at one of the girls, one of the girls would be running off and IF one of them was looking at the camera, they had the "faking a good time" look on their face, like Charleigh has in this picture.
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Our Attempt at a Group Photo....

Things seem to be going pretty good. 3 standing kids all side by side, 3 smiles.... what could go wrong?

Hmmmmm I don't know maybe Clementine falling?
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