26 November 2008

Ben and Charleigh out in the arena for the calf scramble.

The mob of kids out for the calf scramble. There was a sell out crowd on Saturday night , looks like most of the spectators were kids.
Charleigh was running around, not real sure where or why she was running but she had a wonderful time just the same.
Ben and Brandon getting ready for Ben to ride his bull.
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The Iron Man.....

The Eureka Fire dept posted some pictures of Ben on their page from th iron man challange. Here are some of the direct links....


There are 2 of the Bareback and 3 of Bullriding. The 1st bareback is on the 1st page on the bottom right, the 2nd on the 2nd page top left. The bullriding pictures are the 3rd row down in the middle and far right and on the 4th row far left.

25 November 2008


Charleigh was playing peek-a-boo.

Ashleigh did not want to be done with the pictures so we took a few more of just her.

Pretty lil' Hartleigh Jo.
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Charleigh and Ashleigh smiling big.

Paxton stops for a bite to eat. Paxton is Ben's nephew's son. Or I guess it would be eaiser for me to say our Great Nephew.

Hartleigh and her Grandaddy

The two youngest...... Logan and Hartleigh! Which are Kendra and Marty's & Cecil and Shanna's babies.
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All of the Ferrell Grandkids

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Here are some of the older girls. Isn't it crazy that Charleigh is considered one of the "older girls" I makes me sad.

Ashleigh loves to strike a pose!

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