08 August 2010

Heading out of camp to see the wild horses. We had to turn back with Ada but Charleigh kept on with the rest of the group. When they all got back we asked her if she saw the wild horses. She said "Yeah, but they ran away." she didn't get that they were wild and that is what wild horses do. This morning we left out of camp extra early (8:00) and got going to see the wild horses before it got too hot and they went into the woods. You have to go the first part of the week before everyone else scares them into hiding.
Mom on Bullet. Everyone teased Mom because he was smaller than Charleigh's horse. Carter who is 8, would ask her if she wanted to climb on his horse when we crossed deep water.
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This is the first river crossing right outside of camp. We tried to get out of camp as early as possible after getting up, feeding the horses, going to breakfast, getting the girls ready, horses saddled, saddlebags packed and everyone in our camp together. Let's just say we never were the first out on the trails.

My little girl, as happy as can be riding.

At the bottom of the fox pens.

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