It reads:
Dear Santa,
I Have been good girl. I really would like these gifts
Love Charleigh.
Puppy on a leash
Music Player
Gumball machine
Pet Kitty for Ada
Pet Kitty for me so mine will have a friend
New blanket with horses
New pink saddle pad with black on the edges
New flashligh, maybe a yellow one so it will match my dads
New colors.
Then she asked her dad if this was too many things to ask for.
Dear Santa,
I Have been good girl. I really would like these gifts
Love Charleigh.
Puppy on a leash
Music Player
Gumball machine
Pet Kitty for Ada
Pet Kitty for me so mine will have a friend
New blanket with horses
New pink saddle pad with black on the edges
New flashligh, maybe a yellow one so it will match my dads
New colors.
Then she asked her dad if this was too many things to ask for.