04 November 2006

Charleigh is learning new things everyday. She can now wave every time anyone says hello or goodbye. She also waves sporadically when we go places and she sees somebody new. Not too many people wave back, but when they do and they say hello she gets shy and tucks her head into my shoulder. She also gives kisses often. She kisses her toys, the mirror, pillows, puppies and other animals, cracker boxes......... you know, the same things you and I would kiss. She gives kisses to all of her toys. Most often her winnie the poo doll gets some love ,basicly anytime she sees him. Recently we visited my Grandma when her family from out of state came to town. Charleigh was sitting with my Grandma's dog and the next thing we know she is leaning over with her mouth wide open and her tongue sticking out a little bit going in for a kiss. The dog gives her some lovin back before we could stop her and move her away from him. When he got tired and left the room she screamed for him to come back like "How dare he leave me" she gave him short aggravated screams. Giving him a little time in between each scream so he could come running back to her, which he never did. Her love for animals is nonstop. I am constantly catching her grabbing the cat, our own dogs and the horses so she can get her mouth on them to get them a kiss. She squeals with delight anytime she sees animals. Lately she expects to ride every large animal she sees.When we were in Mississippi Cecil was working cattle and Charleigh watched on top of chute for an hour and a half. She would peek over the chute. Every once in a while she would try to pull herself over to get onto a cow. She would grunt and squirm trying to get away over there and get mad whem I would not let her.
She is also pulling up on things when she feels like it. Most recently she was in the bath tub and she just stood up like she had been doing it all her life. Then she wanted back in and wasn't sure how to get back down. She can "Charleigh crawl" everywhere. She doesn't ever get up on her knees she just pulls herself across the floor with her arms and pushes with her legs. She is into everything. I think from this point on I am going to need to go down to the corner and get a lil' something to keep up with her. (Next thing you know you will see me on Oprah talking about how I hit rock bottom.) She is also speaking her own language that often resembles real words.(probably the same language I would be speaking if I went down to the corner.) She babbles and mumbles all day. All joking aside though, being at home with her everyday is the best job I have ever had ,not to mention the most rewarding. Things here are going great Ben is still loving his new job and I am lucky to be able to stay at home with Charleigh Although, I do feel bad for Ben in the mornings when he has to leave and doesn't want to.He sees me and Charleigh playing and her laughing and smiling and he has to leave her. Remind me to thank him later ...........

03 November 2006

BOO at the ZOO

The long, long walk back to the car. It was seriously like 2 miles. there were so many people at the zoo, a Cardinals rally going on eor winning the World Series the night before, soccer games and people in the park so needless to say we walked for a while.

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Charleigh and her Uncle Rick. Rick is brushing up on his baby skills getting ready for baby X in March. By the look on his face I think he is hopefull that his baby will not weigh as much as Charleigh in her Costume
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Charity threatens to drop Charleigh to the Lions if everyone doesn't give her $40 and call her a queen. I'm sure it is only a matter of time before her motherly instincts kick in. Posted by Picasa

Charleigh and Daddy looking at the Bears

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HAPPY TO BE HERE Posted by Picasa
Kyren errr I mean Luke Skywalker and Charleigh Posted by Picasa

BOO at the ZOO

We went to the zoo the Saturday before Halloween and what a zoo it was. There were witches and frogs everywhere. The line for the candy snaked through almost half the entire zoo. We were there for almost 20 minutes and the line still had not moved. Kyren was so good, he said he would just see the animals and get candy when he trick-or treated. I am not sure if the animals were watching at all the costumes or the kids in costumes were watching them

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Charleigh's Mission:TURN NO FOOD DOWN

She is focused and ready for the next bite.
AGGGHHHH The squash isn't wat she expected , but she will not quit. She must eat every last bite. Getting a bit winded but staying on task(looking beautiful at the same time)
She conquers the squash and cereal. "And you doubted me."