15 October 2006

All of the following pictures are from my phone, I am suprised at how much I actually use it. I always kinda thought it was a dumb idea that nobody would ever use, I guess that is why I am still not a millionaire, because I am not a very inventive personll .
Charleigh fell asleep with her hands all curled up next to her face. Posted by Picasa
Tummy time with Gran Gram  Posted by Picasa


Charleigh loves to swing she will laugh and snort everytime she goes up. We have a Little Tykes swing in our front yard that she swings on almost everyday. Ben sits on a stool in front of her so he can see her face as she laughs the other day she ran into him on her swing and he fell of his stool onto the yard, Charleigh laughed harder at it than she did at swinging.

"Look mom I can swing with my eyes closed"

All tired out after playing at the park Posted by Picasa
Eating frozen gramcracker yogert sandwiches. Great for teething , bad for clean-up This is the Before picture...........

....This is the after. Just put her in the sink and watch her go.

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Rodeo Cowgirl

In New Florence at a Youth rodeo watching some of our friends bulls, and some friends kids get on. Charleigh has on her suede duster and looks as cute as ever.

"Sitting Pretty"

Watch you talkin' bout Gampa."

Giving lovins Posted by Picasa
Charleigh four months old, finally posting this cute picture. Posted by Picasa