06 November 2010

Calm Before the Storm.

Charleigh had a party a school and sang in church the night before Halloween. I forgot my camera!!!! We were working outside and time got away so we were rushing around and of all of things to forget.....ahhhh so these are the only pictures I got. They are after we got home and they were not in the mood to have any pictures taken. Soon a war broke out....

Charleigh kept making silly faces, I had to beg her for just on "normal" face.

This is her favorite pose. Like she is too good to actually look at the camera. So I move on and get a few of Adalyn.
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Adalyn is very good at saying "cheese" on command. Gotta love it.
My sweet little girl is getting big.
She sees her big sister with a curtain rod and her wheels are in motion. She wants to do EVERYTHING Charleigh does.

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Charleigh has a way of making things look wickedly fun, it is only a matter of time before the wild child wants one as well.

Can you see her eyeing that curtain rod? Can you guess what happens next? It is all over but the cryin'.


Then the little stink is happy. My oh my.
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03 November 2010

Adalyn looks up to Clementine and Charleigh so much. She wants to be right in the middle of what ever they are doing.

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Charleigh is such a little sweetie. She is doing geat in preschool. Her teachers say she is doing great and that she is a great listener and a favorite. It is good to hear and makes my heart happy.

My little girl gets wilder by the day.
The Penrose 3.
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The three girls. From wildest to calmest. Can you guess which on is which. 2 of them ar kinda equal one is super wild.

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