14 July 2010

My Next 30 years....

I am not sure how, but I am 30! It was my best birthday to date, and I was ready for it to be the worst. My " Older than Dirt" cake.

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2 of my co-workers: Amy and Joan. They were a big part of the party planning. Amy made me an "Older than Dirt Cake." and Joan made the buttons and many of the signs and they both helped coordinate a nacho bar! It was all so good!

This is the desk we sit at. There were 30's EVERYWHERE! Along with pictures of my face on other people's bodies. I was Kim Kardashin, Wonder Woman, Super Woman, Bret Michaels, a midget in a diaper..etc the list goes on and on and on! It was so much fun! They all made me feel super loved and very special!

Some of the pictures.

Melissa modeling one of the Buttons that everyone had on that said "Adrienne is 30!"
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Meet Deuce...

He is eight weeks old today(BORN on ADA's 1st Birthday!) So far he is such a little sweetie! When we whistle for him he comes running to us and then lays in our lap. Playing with Charleigh....

Meeting our kitten Fuzzy for the first time, lets just say they are not friends yet.

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Adalyn at the Warren County fair, 13 months old. She is gabbering up a storm, she will try and say just about anything you say. When you ask her where someone or something is and she does not know she will put her arms up in the arm like "you got me". It is funny. She will also come to you when you ask her to, she seems to listen pretty well, we will see is she keeps it up.

This is Ben after some of the swelling went down! He is still looking a bit scarey form that damn tooth.
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