Charleigh is getting more hair!!!! And we are pretty sure it is going to be dark. It is sort of dirty blonde now that was the color of mine when I was little. Ben's hair was white, white white blonde when he was little so we think it will end up darker. Finally she has something from her Momma. She is just a picture of her daddy, and as beautiful as can be(if I do say so myself). She is six months old and weighs 15 lbs. She is eating solid foods and LOVES everything, she hasn't turned her head at anything, not even peas. I am not sure if she has that sensor in her tummy that says "I"M FULL." She will eat until we make her quit. Then usually spit up. Yes, she is still spitting up. We had a Doctors appointment and it seems that by now the spitting up should have stopped, not to mention her choking and not breathing for even those 7 seconds scares us to death. She is down just a little in weight and seems uncomfortable so her Dr. is going to give her an UGI and watch barium(dye) go down into her tummy while they xray. That isn't scary, but not letting her eat for 6-8 hours will be very scary. She loves everything about eating, except for the part when it is over.......