04 March 2009


For sure this time, well unless she comes out as a boy! These are pictures of a 4D ultrasound I had done last week, one of the perks of having a cousin in ultrasound! I will do my best to describe them to you'all.......
In this one Ben circled her face and typed in where her hand and nose is so it makes a bit more sense. She has her left hand over her mouth and is sucking on the back of it, under that hand is her right one making a fist, you can see her teeny fingers curled under. In this picture you can see the cord around her neck. My cousin said she was one of the most active babies she has scanned! All I can say is she better get it out of her system now! I am not sure we are ready for that! Charleigh is just about as active as they come, she never stops so I was hoping for a baby that liked to sit in my lap and relax, we always say we have ordered a Clementine.

This picture is a bit light but if you look close you will see her little button nose in the center of the picture. The very bottom left corner is her left shoulder with her arm tucked under her chin. Her little mouth is open just a bit.

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