19 November 2007

Sweet November....

Anytime Charleigh goes outside the neighbor lady gives her a cookie. Which Charleigh usually takes a bite out of and then brings them to me, unless they are the wafer cookies then she eats every last crumb. Charleigh will go to the fence and show Carol her toys and play peek-a-boo with her anytime she is in the front yard. In the top picture she is being a little shy and hiding behind her cookies.

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Getting ready to swing!

Running to get Dora so she can swing too!
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Making the most of a nice day.

In between raking leaves she had to swing. She likes to give her Dora doll a turn. She pushes her and sings and talks to her. She is really into playing mommy with her dolls.

Her cute lil ponytail!
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The day after Halloween I bought Charleigh this Elmo costume for her to play in. She treated it just her shark costume she thought she would run around and scare everyone. Who knew Elmo was so scary?

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Charleigh wearing Ben's Napolean Dynomite wig. She even had on the brown blazer to go with it.
Are you drinking 1% because you think you're fat?"
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Sittting in the kitchen eating rasins with Grandma

Showing off her cowgirl boots

One of her favorite pastimes is looking at pictures. She has to look at every picture. We need to work on her fashion sense she likes to wear her cowgirl hat with her pajamas, well she likes to wear her cowgirl hat with anything.

This is her new face, her frown which she doesn't give very often. Sometimes when she is confused she does it. Sometimes when she is trying really hard to be mad she breaks it out and it always makes me laugh.
Her new favorite place to sit is under a table in the living room on a wicker box. This time I think she is frowning, wondering why I am taking her picture.
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