23 December 2009

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Could she look any older? It is amazing to see how fast she has grown. How fast both of them are growing! We are very blessed, and we know it. We hope you all have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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Charleigh was working so hard to keep Adalyn entertained and still. She is such a big helper, I am so thankful for all that I have.
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She was laughing at me telling her not to pose. She thinks she is a little model and has to pose for every picture. She would be putting her hand under her chin, hands on hips, putting her chin to her shoulder, etc.... I told her just be natural. She got a kick out of it.

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Adalyn is trying to crawl away and Charleigh is trying to smile nad hold her still.

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Adalyn had her arm wrapped around her Grandpa. He thought it was so cute.

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We WishYou A Merry Christmas

This year Charleigh really got into decorating the tree. She loved seeing all of the ornaments and she wanted to be the one to put every single ornament on the tree.

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We went to the library for the showing of Frosty the Snowman and then the usual trip to McDonalds to get the girls a Happymeal and then to Walmart. I was so busy getting the girls ready and bundled up I left the house in my pj top so I had to keep my coat on the whole time. I also left my purse so Ben met us at McDonalds to pay for lunch. The girls got this puppydog cupcake and were so excited about eating it. After their naps they were allowed to eat it, they eat took one bite and that was it. It was to much icing for anyone to eat.

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You would even say she glows....

Adalyn, just like Charleigh is like the sunshine. They bring happiness and make everyday brighter. You cannot help but smile around them.

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Adalyn, the cutest raindeer of all.

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19 December 2009

The Joys of Winter

Charleigh gets so excited when it snows, even when it is just a little bit. The other day there was a dusting in the cracks of the sidewalk, more like a frost. Charleigh was so excited seeing it, she asked if she could go outside. I look out as I am changing Adalyn to see her licking the cracks of the sidewalks trying to eat the snow. I'd say she ate more dog hair or dirt, but I didn't rain on her parade, instead I called her in for breakfast.

Today it snowed more, just enough to cover the lawn and stick, it was also the same morning we are going to see Santa. She is too excited not to go out, even if it is just for a minute. She wanted to make a snow angel but Jasper kept getting in her face and licking her. Plus it was more like a grass angel since there was such little snow.

the conversation today after we got home from sitting on Santa's lap went a little something like this.( well let me clarify, the girls sat on his lap I watched). Grandpa " Hey Lovebug, did you sit on Santa's lap?"
Charleigh "uh-huh." Grandpa " did you ask him about Grandpa's travel trailer?" Charleigh annoyed " ahh Grandpa I forgot bout that, I asked him for a My little pony."

She cracks me up

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