08 December 2010

Santa Baby....

Adalyn was not real thrilled with visiting with Santa, maybe next year......

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05 December 2010

What a Difference a year makes!

My sweet Adalyn a year ago. It is bittersweet, I miss that little baby but I love the WILD little girls she is today. She has so much personality and is so full of life.

The 3 girls last year, Ada wasn't walking yet. Charleigh was 3, Clementine 2 and Ada was 7 months old.

In her Daddy's arms.
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Christmas Spirit.

Adalyn before we went out to look at the lights. I did the house and Ben did the fence down to the road and all around the archway where you pull in. I LOVE IT! It looks so Christmasey. My Grandma kept saying how beautiful it looked. She was telling me about years past when she would go to hang lights down the fence and my Grandpa would say things like "You gonna pay the electric bill?" or "Your gonna burn the house down." Grandma was laughing and I could totally hear my grandpa saying those things. My dad said something similar about making sure we don't burn the house down. It must be genetic!

You can kinda get the picture, I couldn't get them all in on shot.

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Grandma and Grandpa came over to see the Christmas lights the other day ans Ada was SO EXCITED! SHe was dancing and running all over and smiling from ear to ear. It was so cute.

Our first tree in our new home. I got sick on Black Friday and had to come home early(i know depressing huh?) anyway, Ben ans Charleigh went out and got us this great tree.

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02 December 2010

Dear Santa

It reads:
Dear Santa,

I Have been good girl. I really would like these gifts
Love Charleigh.
Puppy on a leash
Music Player
Gumball machine
Pet Kitty for Ada
Pet Kitty for me so mine will have a friend
New blanket with horses
New pink saddle pad with black on the edges
New flashligh, maybe a yellow one so it will match my dads
New colors.
Then she asked her dad if this was too many things to ask for.
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World's Toughest ...

Look at how focused she is. She ended up winning a buckle for barrel racing and is super excited.

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26 November 2010

Our Girls.

After a bath, she was not ready for bed though. She was wild as usual.

I love this picture, you can see how much Ada looks up to Charleigh.

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Uncle Al.
Charleigh doing what she loves most.
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It won't be long and she will be 5. I hope my heart can handle it.
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Adalyn loves this bear. It used to be Charleigh's but Ada has seemed to taken over.

Another little water baby. Ada loves to take baths, she will grab your hand and say "C'Mon, C'Mon" and lead you to the bathtub and then she will say "bath". Charleigh did like them a bit more than Ada does though, Charleigh would stay in for hours if we would have let her, Ada goes 45 minutes at the very most. Adalyn is saying so much and she seems to know EVERYTHING! She is 18 months old this week and hasn't stopped growing. Charleigh is such s little helper, always helping everyone. She is sweet as can be to Ada, well at least 79% of the time. Charleigh is learning so much as well. She can spell and write her first and last name, count to 20, She is pretty good at recognizing letters and can write most of them too. She can write Mom, love, and just about any word you write for her she can look at it and write it. She is still full of "why's" and is still as SASSY as ever. I sure do love these girls, they fill my heart with love and my world with sunshine.

Adalyn having one of her many meltdowns

Clementine and Ada on Rena and Spirit.
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13 November 2010

Clementine Pig

Charleigh Pig

Adalyn Pig

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